We’re delighted to be joined by Dr Serena Perner from the Institute of Collective Health at the National University of Lanus for the next three months.
Every year, 4 February marks World Cancer Day – a global initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). The day aims to raise worldwide awareness of cancer, […]
New research by Dr Suping Ling, funded by Hope Against Cancer and published in Diabetologia, shows that cancer mortality in people with type 2 diabetes is substantially higher than the […]
On 25 May 2022, staff and doctoral students from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, connected by cancer research, participated in Science Museum Lates – an after-hours opportunity […]
What the study found Most people diagnosed with cancer have pre-existing chronic conditions (also known as comorbidities), which might delay the diagnosis of cancer. To better understand which patient groups […]
This study highlights the need to better coordinate primary and secondary care sectors in some areas of London to improve timely access to specialised clinicians and diagnostic tests.
In this seminar, Michelle Kelly-Irving will outline the embodiment dynamic conceptual framework used to examine how health inequalities are partly constructed through social-to-biological processes. She will provide empirical examples of […]
Corsican Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology
4th-8th July 2022
PANCREATIC CANCER PATIENTS are usually diagnosed too LATE for curative treatment because there are no early stage symptoms associated with tumour development.
Assessment of the concordance between individual-level and area-level measures of socio-economic deprivation in a cancer patient cohort in England and Wales