Communications Infographics

Differences in colon cancer survival for patients living and receiving care in London

This study highlights the need to better coordinate primary and secondary care sectors in some areas of London to improve timely access to specialised clinicians and diagnostic tests.

Communications Infographics

Risk score for pancreatic cancer

PANCREATIC CANCER PATIENTS are usually diagnosed too LATE for curative treatment because there are no early stage symptoms associated with tumour development.

Communications Infographics

Does the socio-economic level of my area represent my own individual circumstances

Assessment of the concordance between individual-level and area-level measures of socio-economic deprivation in a cancer patient cohort in England and Wales

Communications Infographics

The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on cancer deaths due to delays in diagnosis in England

Since a national lockdown was introduced across the UK in March, 2020, in response to the COVID-19
pandemic, cancer screening has been suspended, routine diagnostic work deferred, and only urgent symptomatic
cases prioritised for diagnostic intervention.


National cancer plans

In 1996 a government report showed that there was a difference in how long cancer patients were surviving depending on how wealthy they were (we call it the ‘deprivation gap in survival’).