UK life tables (1981-2012)

The life tables used to compensate for background mortality rates in relative survival analysis comprise a set of mortality rates by single year of age, generally 0-99 years, for each sex. Life tables are derived from mortality data (number of deaths, population, by age and sex) for a given calendar period, in a given country or region. They may also be specific for a particular group defined by socio-economic deprivation, race or ethnicity.

The life tables we have constructed for use in survival analyses for England and Wales contain age-sex-mortality rates for various indices of deprivation, by region and calendar year or period. National life tables for Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland are also available.

UK life tables: by continent, country, region, subregion (England only), ethnicity , deprivation (1981-2011) — [calendar period varies by region: i.e Scotland (1991-2011); England and Wales combined (1989-2012)]

Recommended citation for the methodology: Rachet B, Maringe C, Woods LM, Ellis L, Spika D, Allemani C. Multivariable flexible modelling for estimating complete, smoothed life tables for sub-national populations. BMC Public Health 2015; 15: 1240.