
If you plan to use strel, the following references may be useful:

 Relative survival method

1. Berkson J, Gage RP. Calculation of survival rates for cancer. Proc Staff Meet Mayo Clinic 1950;25:270-286.
2. Cutler SJ, Ederer F. Maximum utilisation of the life table method in analyzing survival. J Chron Dis 1958;8:699-712.
3. Ederer F, Axtell LM, Cutler SJ. The relative survival: a statistical methodology. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 1961;6:101-121.

Statistical implementation

 4. Estève J, Benhamou E, Croasdale M, Raymond L. Relative survival and the estimation of net survival: elements for further discussion. Stat Med 1990;9:529-538.
5. Black RJ, Swaminathan R. Statistical methods for the analysis of cancer survival data. In: Sankaranarayanan R, Black RJ, Parkin DM (eds.). Cancer survival in developing countries (IARC Scientific Publications No. 145). Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1998. pp3-8.
6. Black RJ, Bashir SA. World standard cancer patient populations: a resource for comparative analysis of survival data. In: Sankaranarayanan R, Black RJ, Parkin DM (eds.). Cancer survival in developing countries (IARC Scientific Publications No. 145). Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1998. pp9-11.
7. Brenner H, Gefeller O. An alternative approach to monitoring cancer patient survival. Cancer 1996;78:2004-2010.
8. Estève J, Benhamou E, Raymond L. Statistical methods in cancer research, volume IV. Descriptive epidemiology. (IARC Scientific Publications No. 128). Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1994.
9. Hakama M, Hakulinen T. Estimating the expectation of life in cancer survival studies with incomplete follow-up information. J Chron Dis 1977;30:585-597.
10. Hakulinen T. Cancer survival corrected for heterogeneity in patient withdrawal. Biometrics 1982;38:933-942.
11. Hakulinen T. On long-term relative survival rates. J Chron Dis 1977;30:431-443.
12. Hakulinen T, Abeywickrama KH. A computer program package for relative survival analysis. Comp Prog in Biomed 1985;19:197-207.


13. Berrino F, Estève J, Coleman MP. Basic issues in the estimation and comparison of cancer patient survival. In: Berrino F, Sant M, Verdecchia A, Capocaccia R, Hakulinen T, Estève J (eds.). Survival of cancer patients in Europe: the EUROCARE study. (IARC Scientific Publications No. 132). Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1995. pp1-14.
14. Berrino F, Micheli A, Sant M, Capocaccia R. Interpreting survival differences and trends. Tumori 1997;83:9-16.

Modelling relative survival with covariates

15. Hakulinen T, Tenkanen L. Regression analysis of relative survival rates. Appl Stat 1987;36:309-317.
16. Dickman PW, Sloggett A, Hills M, Hakulinen T. Regression models for relative survival. Stat Med 2004;23:51-64.

Life tables and deprivation

17.  Casweb. Manchester Information & Associated Services (MIMAS).
18.  Interim life tables. Government Actuary’s Department.
19.  Irish life table No. 13, 1995-1997. Dublin & Cork Central Statistics Office, 2001.
20.  Carstairs V, Morris R. Deprivation and mortality: an alternative to social class? Community Med 1989;11:210-219.
21.  Measuring multiple deprivation at the small area level: the indices of deprivation 2000. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, London, 2000.
22.  Welsh index of multiple deprivation. The National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff, 2000.
23.  Ewbank DC, Gomez de Leon JC, Stoto MA. A reducible four-parameter system of model life tables. Pop Stud 1983;37:105-127.

Publications using STREL

24.  Coleman MP, Babb P, Damiecki P, Grosclaude P, Honjo S, Jones J, Knerer G, Pitard A, Quinn MJ, Sloggett A, De Stavola BL. Cancer survival trends in England and Wales 1971-1995: deprivation and NHS Region. Series SMPS No. 61. London: The Stationery Office, 1999. pp1-695. ISBN 0-11-62031-1.
25. Coleman MP, Babb P, Harris S, Quinn MJ, Sloggett A, De Stavola BL. Cancer survival in England and Wales, 1991-1998. Health Stat Quart 2000;6:71-80.
26.  Coleman MP, Babb P, Mayer D, Quinn MJ, Sloggett A. Cancer survival trends in England and Wales 1971-1995: deprivation and NHS region (CDROM). Office for National Statistics, London, 1999.
27. Coleman MP, Babb P, Quinn MJ, Sloggett A, De Stavola BL. Socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival in England and Wales. Cancer 2001;91:208-216.
28. Coleman MP, Rachet B, Woods LM, Mitry E, Riga M, Cooper N, Quinn MJ, Brenner H, Estève J. Trends and socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival in England and Wales up to 2001. Br J Cancer 2004;90:1367-1373.
29. McDavid K, Tucker T, Sloggett A, Coleman MP. Cancer survival in Kentucky and health insurance coverage. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:2135-2144.
30. Rachet B, Riga M, Mitry E, Romanengo M, Quinn MJ, Cooper N, Coleman MP. Geographical comparisons of cancer survival indicators. Health Stat Quart 2004;22:5-13.
31. Romanengo M, Cooper N, Robinson C, Malalgoda M, Quinn MJ, Coleman MP. Cancer survival in the health authorities of England, 1993-2000. Health Stat Quart 2002;13:95-103.
32. Schillinger J, Grosclaude PC, Honjo S, Quinn MJ, Sloggett A, Coleman MP. Survival after acute lymphocytic leukaemia: effects of socioeconomic status and geographic region. Arch Dis Child 1999;80:311-317.
33. Svensson E, Tretli S, Coleman MP, Langmark F, Grotmol T. Colorectal survival trends in Norway 1958-1997. Eur J Cancer 2004:40:734-742.