Persistent inequalities in cancer care and cancer outcomes: What are we doing wrong?

To mark World Cancer Day, join Inequalities in Cancer Outcomes Network (ICON), Centre for Global Chronic Conditions and Cancer Interest Group for the first seminar in a series on Inequalities in Cancer Outcomes. Universal health coverage (UHC) systems, such as the NHS, aim to provide optimal care to all according to their needs. Therefore, all things being equal, cancer patients should […]

The relation between social factors and health outcomes through social-to-biological processes: Considerations for cancer epidemiology

In this seminar, Michelle Kelly-Irving will outline the embodiment dynamic conceptual framework used to examine how health inequalities are partly constructed through social-to-biological processes. She will provide empirical examples of the social gradient in biological health and how this potentially relates to inequalities in cancer incidence and progression. Relevant to anyone interested in health inequalities […]

Does your socioeconomic status affect breast cancer treatment and outcomes?

In this seminar, Marissa will present her research on the associations between socioeconomic status, recurrence and excess mortality in young breast cancer patients in the Netherlands. Sabine will present research on the associations between socioeconomic status and the choice of surgery in breast cancer patients in the Netherlands. Relevant to anyone interested in health inequalities […]